Wednesday 17 January 2018

Finding Balance: Session One - Our Roots

Finding Balance
A series of suggestions to help balance our energies
and our sense of self

There are seven main energy centres throughout our bodies, known in some philosophies as chakras. These energy centres align with the spine, from its base to the crown of the head. They have been described as swirling wheels of our vital life force, where matter and consciousness meet, and they correspond to significant nerve centres in the body. It's important for our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being that these energy centres stay open, unblocked, and balanced. Each of the seven sessions focuses on a different energy centre. They can be used by individuals or by groups. 

The workshops offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used: I am indebted to their wisdom. Please use these workshops freely, adapting them as suits your own context. I am always pleased to hear from people who have used them.

Session One : Our Roots

The first work-shop is to do with the Base or Root Centre, which relates to our
survival, security and stability. For this session you will need:
  • a rug or mat, a small red stone or gem, and a small candle (such as a night-light) for each person present (plus extras for unexpected attendees)
  • a pile of other stones (not red!) and a large bowl or bucket of water
  • something that chimes (a bell or a tuning fork, for example)
  • incense - frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, or vetiver would be good (providing no-one present has difficulty with the vapours)
  • matches
You may also wish to play music during the meditation, in which case choose

something quiet, calm, and unobtrusive.

The Welcome, Introduction, and Greetings:

Welcome to you all, as we gather together to begin to learn some steps that may

help us to achieve greater balance within our selves.
We are all made up of many elements – our physical bodies, our mysterious minds,
our fluctuating emotions, our sense of the spiritual - something greater than the
sum of the parts of the universe.
At the heart of everything is energy, and within each of us there are seven main
centres of energy, which need to be kept open and unblocked and balanced, so
that we can achieve all-round health and well-being, fulfill our huge potential, 

and be the unique and valuable person we were born to be.
Today we focus on the first energy centre, which is the base of all the others, and
which roots and grounds us. But before we begin, let's take time to say hello to
each other, especially to greet anyone we don't know at all, or very well, yet...

The Reflection on Our Roots:

The first energy centre, or root chakra, contributes towards our sense of safety

and security.  When it is balanced, it creates a base and support for opening the

energy centres further along our spine, like the roots of a strong tree, or the

below-ground foundations of a stable building. Take a moment now to reflect on

what we need, not just to survive, but to feel safe, secure and stable...
Our basic survival needs are part of what grounds us to stability in our lives –
water, food, shelter, and safety – but our emotional needs are part of this too,
especially whether we feel that the world and the people in it can be trusted.

This relates to our experience, especially of how were treated by our care-givers when we were children; but it also relates to how we allow people to treat us now, as adults. And I think that this is a cycle, or rather a spiral: we are affected by how others treat us, and that affects how we treat others – and so on.

The Remembrance:

So we sit quietly for a moment, 

thinking of the people who were our caregivers

when we were children and when we were growing:

some were kind and trustworthy, some were hurtful and destructive...
We think too of those towards whom we now have responsibility:

How do they see us now? How will they think of us in the future?...

And we think of the relationships we have now with other adults:
How do we allow ourselves to be treated?...

Do we treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves?...

The Thanksgiving:

If you wish, you may now light one of these candles

as a sign of thanksgiving for whatever has provided security in your life -

not just people, but creatures, places, occupations ...

When everyone who wishes to do so has lit a candle,

we join in the following responsive thanksgiving:
For all the people, the creatures, the situations, and the settings

that have provided secure roots for us, and a sense of belonging:

       We offer thanks!
For all the changes we have lived through,
the losses and the gains, the endings and the beginnings:

       We offer thanks!
For opportunities to pass on our learning open-heartedly,

to establish relationships of trust,

and to help others to feel safe and valued:

       We offer thanks!

The Release:

Now, if you wish, take one of these stones, to represent those who have hurt you, 

and anything or anyone – including your self - who has held you back from being

the true you. And when you are ready to let it go,

come and release the stone gently into this water...

When everyone who wishes to do so has taken and released a stone,

we join in the following response:
You were the past; here and now you are released.

You are not the future:

       Be gone, that you and I may both be free!

Becoming Aware:
Everyone makes mistakes. We have all done what was wrong, and not done what

was right. But anyone and everyone can make a new beginning at any time, and

learn to do and to be better – we just need to have the awareness of our need and

the will to do something about it. That's why we're all here now - to take steps

towards a more balanced, and happier, self.
Awareness of being out of balance is key to re-alignment. We - our bodies, minds,
emotions, and spirits - are in a constant flux between balance and imbalance, but
unless we recognise the symptoms, imbalances can be difficult to detect.

If there is an imbalance in the root centre, we may experience physical symptoms,

such as problems in the colon, the bladder, the lower back, or the feet; eating

disorders can be a sign of root imbalance, as can anxiety, fear, indecisiveness,

nightmares, and phobias.
Think for a moment about any such symptoms you may have, and open your self to
being prepared to give them up as you regain greater balance.

But remember: we are not tight-rope walkers; we are trees!..

Beginning to Balance:

Step one – Chanting
There are various techniques and strategies we can use to help to bring us back to balance. Chanting is one of these, because sound creates vibrations in the body,
which help the cells work together, literally in harmony. For our rootedness we chant the word LAM. The colour traditionally ascribed to the root chakra is a deep, earthy red, so as we breathe in, imagine we're breathing in that red energy, and letting it flow throughout our bodies. As we breathe out, on the word LAM, imagine that flow of red energy picking up and expelling all the impurities of our bodies. The chime will give us the note for the chant...

Step two - Three simple yoga postures

Our second step towards rebalancing are some postures which help to align our spines, improve our breathing, and open our energy centres. Unfortunately, these positions are also known as 'Wind releasing' - you have been warned! And be sure not to strain, just do what you can. The first posture is to bring one or both knees toward our chest. It's easiest to do this lying down, but you can do it sitting if you wish.

The second posture brings our heads to our knees.
Again, you can either sit on the floor or adapt it for sitting in a chair

The third posture is squatting, so we all need to be out of our chairs for this – but do use your chair for balance if you need to.

Step three - Meditation

Meditation serves to ground us and to connect us both to our deeper selves and to

power greater than ourselves, whatever we call it - Universal Energy, God, Mother

Nature, Spirit... Before we begin, please take one of these red stones. If you're

going to sit to meditate, please hold the stone by your groin area; if you're lying  

down, then place it just above your groin  making sure it won't fall off as you 

breathe! The sense organ linked with the first energy centre is smell: you'll be

aware of the incense, and you might try to focus on the tip of your nose!

The meditation will take about five minutes, so please make your selves


Suggested script for Guided Meditation:

Close your eyes, and take a breath in slowly, through your nose;

now breath gently out through your mouth...

Take a few moments to allow your breathing to slow...

and now take a few more moments to allow your thoughts to slow...

Imagine a glowing, deep crimson light at the base of your spine...

let it feel warm...

You are safe; you are secure;

you're in the right place for you to be right now...

The universe is supporting you as you sit or lie here...

There is enough for you in this life, in this universe, on this earth,

to live your true purpose, to be the true you...

Keep imagining the red light, hold it there,

until a sense of peace and security fills your whole body...

Let the light radiate outward into each limb, into every cell of your body... Feel

the earth beneath you, supporting you...

Feel that your foundations are strong,

and trust that everything is in its place, everything is as it should be... Continue to

imagine the red light,

and when you feel that you have absorbed all its wonderful energy,

watch the light slowly dim... and as it dims,

bring your awareness back to your breath, and to your body...

and when you feel ready to end your meditation slowly open your eyes...

Incorporating the Root Chakra:

There are various things we can do until we meet again

that may serve as reminders and prompts

of the balance we are seeking to achieve,

and that we need to be rooted and grounded in good soil.

First of all, you can keep the red stone,

and use it each day as you sit or lie for just a few minutes

to practice deep breathing and relaxation,

and to focus on the warm red earthy energy of the root chakra.

Secondly, you can bring a deep red colour into every day -

maybe with what you choose to wear,

maybe with what you choose to eat or drink (not too much red wine!)

or maybe with some red flowers or cushions – whatever you like.

Next time we meet, there'll be an opportunity to share with each other

how we've got on with these.

The Closing:

As we bring this session to a close, what have we done together today?

We've reflected on our roots,

and remembered why we need to continue to seek balance;

we've given thanks for kindly influence, released hurtful memories,

and become aware of our symptoms of imbalance,

and of our need for healing;

we have begun, with chants, postures, and imaginative meditation,

to open our selves to change and renewal;

and we've thought about ways we can incorporate awareness

of our first energy centre in our everyday lives, to enhance our rootedness.

So, as for the moment we go our separate ways,

we part with words of the Gaelic Blessing:

Deep peace of the running wave to you:
       Deep peace of the flowing air to you.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you:
       Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

Deep peace of the gentle night to you:
       Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.

Deep peace of the light of the world to you:
       Deep peace to you.